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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Preschool Graduation

Time goes by so quickly!  I really wasn't ready to say goodbye to this group of kiddos.  We have had so much fun this year.  Our graduation was Monday night.  Here are a couple of pictures of my little ones. 

 Our awesome art teacher made all of our flower head pieces for us!

Graduation began with the preschoolers saying the Pledge of Allegiance. 
 Then I recited the following poem:

"Your Flowers"

I've worked with your flowers and helped them to grow
I'm returning them now but I want you to know
These flowers are precious and dear as can be
Love them, take care of them and soon you will see
what I saw
I saw bright new blooms every day
That grew and blossomed in such wonderful ways
In September just buds, but in January blooms
Now lovely blossoms I return to you
Remember these flowers as dear as can be
Though rightfully yours will always in part belong to me!

We then sang some of our favorite songs and recited a couple of nursery rhymes.  I then presented them with their certificates and they joined their families in the audience.  We ended with a slide show of some great memories created throughout the year.

I hope you all enjoy your last weeks or days with your students as much as I have!

1 comment:

  1. The poem and flower headpiece are too cute! I'm your newest follower! Hop on over to my blog when you get a chance.
