Friday, November 1, 2013

Monster Week and Monster Give-Away!

Mission complete!
I successfully made it through 30 parent/teacher conferences last week and 2 Halloween parties this week.  Oh the joys of having a morning AND afternoon class!

I love every minute of it!  Where else can you celebrate monster week?!

Check out some of the monster fun we had this week. 
I am also giving away a super fun product from my friend Deedee Wills.
  Enter below for a chance to win her "Monsters!!! Game Pack Roll, Say, Keep-Editable"

Monsters!!!! Game Pack Roll, Say, Keep-Editable

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monster Play Dough!
They loved creating monsters all week long!

We had so much fun making pumpkin soup last week that we just couldn't let it end. 
 This week we made eyeball soup! 
 Ingredients - blue and yellow water, googly eyes, and glitter (special seasoning).

 They were so excited to discover that yellow and blue make green!


Cookie Monsters!
Each student colored their own monster, then colored cookies to feed it. 
 Next, we sorted the cookies by shape onto a cookie sheet.

I posted the learning skills that went with this project on the bulletin board. 
 I have found this helps parents understand the purpose of the activity. 

Good luck in the give-away!


  1. I just found your blog through Deedee's blog. I love it! As a fellow Preschool teacher, I am always looking for quality Preschool blogs and activities, and I can tell I am going to enjoy reading all your posts. You have some really fun, educational ideas on here!

    teaching the littles

  2. Yea! I'm so glad you found me. I agree, preschool blogs are hard to find. I'm your newest follower too! Your blog is really cute.
