Monday, January 19, 2015

How to build an igloo!

I am so excited to introduce my first ever, GUEST BLOGGER!!!
  Sara and I have worked together for the past two years.  She is phenomenal and has the biggest heart for pre-k kids!  

I'm so grateful to be Paula's FIRST GUEST BLOGGER!! I have been teaching Preschoolers for 3 years and having been loving every minute.  I'm a Speech-Language Pathologist who serves early childhood special education classrooms as well as articulation and language kiddos.  I'm so excited to be here at Learn + Play = Pre K to share whats going on in my speech world and learn more from the blogging community. 

Do you wanna build an igloo??? Sang Ana!

Just kidding, but doesn't everyone just love the Frozen song!! Paula always has these awesome, I mean, awesome boxes she uses in her class for her space unit for her space rockets.  I usually take her hand-me-down boxes when she is finished and I turn it into a speech cave, but this year I wanted to build an igloo!  We have a generous factory that donates their insanely large boxes to us when asked, so with the help of a sweet parent and their truck he picked one box and two lids up for me and I started the building process.  It took two of us to set it up and fit it together, thanks Paula!!  Then I put a white kings size sheet over it (found one at Ann's Linens where they sell bedding separately so it was pretty cheap, $15).  Covered the box with the sheet, cut out our igloo door, hot glued the sheet around the door and viola I now have an igloo in my speech corner that I'm certain Ana, Elsa, and Olaf would love!!

So my hopes for this igloo are:
1. Learn some new winter vocab,
2. Play flashlight vocab and speech sound hide and seek,
3. Build an Olaf inside,
 4. Have fun inside a box!!
 It's only been the first day but we were able to have some fun and learning inside of our igloo.