Friday, May 31, 2013

Summertime is here!

Ahh, summer break....
My house is clean, my boys have summer jobs (which means I don't have to clean up after them!), 
just me and the dogs all day. 

As you can tell they require so much of my attention!

There are so many things I want to create while I have some extra time this summer.
  I finished my first project today.  

 This would be great extra practice for counting and number writing during the summer.
 Click on the picture below to get it for $1.00 at my TpT store!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Preschool Graduation

Time goes by so quickly!  I really wasn't ready to say goodbye to this group of kiddos.  We have had so much fun this year.  Our graduation was Monday night.  Here are a couple of pictures of my little ones. 

 Our awesome art teacher made all of our flower head pieces for us!

Graduation began with the preschoolers saying the Pledge of Allegiance. 
 Then I recited the following poem:

"Your Flowers"

I've worked with your flowers and helped them to grow
I'm returning them now but I want you to know
These flowers are precious and dear as can be
Love them, take care of them and soon you will see
what I saw
I saw bright new blooms every day
That grew and blossomed in such wonderful ways
In September just buds, but in January blooms
Now lovely blossoms I return to you
Remember these flowers as dear as can be
Though rightfully yours will always in part belong to me!

We then sang some of our favorite songs and recited a couple of nursery rhymes.  I then presented them with their certificates and they joined their families in the audience.  We ended with a slide show of some great memories created throughout the year.

I hope you all enjoy your last weeks or days with your students as much as I have!

Monday, May 13, 2013

And The Winner Is...

Congratulations to Ashley Reed!
 I know you and your students will enjoy this awesome prize! I would also like to thank everyone who entered and made my first giveaway so successful! 
 A HUGE thank you to Deedee and Janet for donating this incredible product for the contest!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

"Share Some Kindness" (FREEBIE)

My latest product was inspired by a radio station! I listen to an awesome Christian radio station called 99.1 The Joy FM.  (Check it out, you can listen to it online from anywhere!) Anyway, they do this thing at the beginning of each month called "Share Some Joy".  They encourage their listeners to do random acts of kindness for others. Like, buy the persons coffee in line behind you at the gas station or pay for the persons order behind you in line in the drive thru. 

So I was thinking, with all of the bullying in schools and violence everywhere, how could we spread more kindness to others?  That question is for us as adults and for our students!

I created "Share Some Kindness".
  These are simple little notes that can be used at home, school, or work and by anyone!

Click on the picture above to get them for free!
Go ahead, "Share Some Kindness" with someone!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mommy Make-Over Day!

We have been so excited about today!  It was finally Mommy Make-Over Day!  I began by having the kids all sit in their mommy's laps while I read "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch. 
 We then sang the "A, Your Adorable" song. So cute!!!!

Then came the part we were all waiting for. 
The make-over!
 The kids LOVED doing their mommy's hair, make-up, and nails!

 We made a Mother's Day card WITH our mommies.

The kids served their mommies cookies and juice.
 We then showered them with gifts. 
 The mommies received the flowers we had planted earlier in the week and these
 adorable photos with a special message on the back.

I wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day Weekend!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

End of the school year giveaway!

It is hard to believe that the year is quickly coming to an end.  I have SO enjoyed my Pre-K students this year AND my re-introduction to blogging.  Some of you may be aware that I teach a few doors down from Deedee Wills and Janet Dintleman.
They have agreed to celebrate the end of the year with me!
Wouldn't you like to win this?

This is a $68.00 dollar value!

All you have to do is:

1.   Follow my blog

Enter into the Rafflecopter below.  I will select a winner on Monday evening!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, May 6, 2013

Planting Seeds

Today we discussed the three things that plants need. Soil, water, and the sun. 
 Then we began a little science experiment.  We planted 3 seeds. 
 One in dirt, one in sand, and one in a wet paper towel! 
 The students then made their predictions as to which seed would actually grow. 
 Stay tuned to see the results....

 I realize I'm a little late in getting seeds planted for Mother's Day but they will still grow, right?
 Besides, the kids LOVED getting to plant seeds by themselves!  
 It was very nice outside today so we took it outside!

First, we planted the seeds......
 Next, we watered the seeds......
 Last, we waited for them to grow!!!! 
They finally gave up and went to play!

Teacher Appreciation Sale!

Starting tomorrow, Teachers Pay Teachers is having a HUGE sale!  I am so excited to be part of it! 
 You can get 28% off everything in my store during those two days.
 I can't wait to do some shopping myself. So many great products out there for next year!
Happy shopping!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blocks and Storytime Outside

Another beautiful day and rain coming tomorrow. 
 Out we went again today! 
  We gathered up our blocks and took them outside.   

 Each student took two blocks, taking turns we slowly 
added them together to build bridges in different habitats.
 We had to stay on the bridge or the animals of that habitat might see us!

This is such a great ABC book to use when learning about animals. 
 Great pictures of the animals and shows children how to move like the animals.
Get those kids moving!
"F" is for flap your wings like a macaw!

"H" is for howl like a wolf pup!

"Q" is for quack like a duck!

"R" is for ride like a young gorilla!
(We have an odd number of kids so I got to be the momma gorilla!)